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Today’s Forecast: Sweater Weather

How to keep your sweaters in tip-top shape this fall and winter

The magical time of year is upon us when the leaves begin to change colors and the chill in the air hints that winter is just around the bend. It has come time to pack away those summer threads and break out the knits — temperatures indicate sweater weather.

With that, we have a few suggestions for how to wash and maintain those autumn styles.

Have you any wool?

Thick, wool sweaters are a staple of the fall season. Both a fashion statement and warm enough to wear without the addition of a coat, their versatility makes them an attractive option.

Wool is an interesting fabric to maintain as it is very sensitive to harsh chemicals found in detergents, such as alkaline.

The following is the best way to wash a wool sweater:

  1. Fill a bowl or sink with warm water and add a few drops of liquid dish soap or mild shampoo (no conditioner).
  2. Place your sweater into a colander and insert the colander into the warm water.
  3. Gently press the sweater down till it is covered in water, don’t press too hard though, and allow it to soak for 10 to 20 minutes.
  4. Remove the sweater from the colander and change the warm water in the bowl or sink.
  5. Re-submerge the sweater in the fresh, warm water.
  6. Gently press extra water out of the sweater upon removal and place flat on a towel (avoid picking up your sweater by the shoulder, this will stretch the material).
  7. Roll the sweater and towel together, flipping the sweater every few times you roll.
  8. Allow the sweater to finish drying on a flat, water resistant surface.

Cash in on cashmere

Cashmere is fine material and often a sign of being well to-do. With that, it is important that one gets the full return on the purchase of such a quality material. There is nothing worse than a “wear-once” cashmere sweater.

Try the following method to keep your sweater looking like brand new:

  1. Fill a basin with cold water and add a few drops of baby shampoo.
  2. Turn the sweater inside out and immerse it completely in the water.
  3. Leave the garment to soak for three to five minutes.
  4. Drain the basin and gently rinse out the sweater (avoid twisting or ringing it out).
  5. Lay the sweater on a fresh towel ensuring that all buttons and pockets are straight.
  6. Place another towel on top and allow to dry as is.

It is important that all seams and hems are straight. This is to avoid any wrinkling that may come as a result of washing.

No sweat!

It can seem tough to keep your sweater in tip-top condition as sweaters do not generally do well in washing machines, and ironing is greatly frowned upon. But these simple tips will keep you going all through the winter into the spring!