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Eliminate Pet Smells With Common Household Items

Our four-legged friends are like members of the family. But the smells they leave behind are not so welcome.

Pet smell removers from the pet store can be expensive, but luckily you probably already have a few products in the house than can combat those stinky pet smells.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is one of the best products to use on pet smells.

If you’re washing a whole load of stinky clothes, the general recommendation is to put about a pound of baking soda in the washing machine with the soiled clothes. Use the baking soda in conjunction with detergent.

If you are dealing with a smaller job, baking soda mixed with white vinegar can work wonders. After mixing together two cups of white vinegar, two cups of warm water and four healthy scoops of baking soda, spray the smelly area. Let the mixture sit for five minutes and then blot dry with a clean rag or towel.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Another convenient concoction uses hydrogen peroxide. Mix ½ a cup of 30% hydrogen peroxide with a teaspoon of liquid dish soap in a bowl.

Apply the mixture over the soiled area and then use about ½ a cup of baking soda to cover the area and gently scrub. Let this sit for 10-15 minutes, remove the baking soda and wash the garment as usual.

Natural Enzyme Cleaner

This is a great all-natural option, if you’re patient.

Combine 7 tablespoons of brown sugar, 1 ½ cups of lemon or orange peels, and 1 liter of water in a jar, cover it and shake it up. Then, leave the cap loose and allow the mixture to sit for three months. Once the three months is up, you will have a great alternative to those pesky pet store prices.

Store bought cleaners can be riddled with chemicals that may be harmful to you and your pet, not to mention very expensive. These remedies are cheap and effective!

Photo Credit: CC Image Courtesy of Ginny